Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Personal Collection of Engrish...

This is the name of a store in Harajuku, Japan.

I think they're trying to say Dust in the way the english say trash can?

Dont you mean...Here we go? haha

It's THAT good.

Watch out for the Redestrian's! They have the right of way. : )

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Krispy Kreme

Yesterday, I arrived in Tokyo, Japan. On my way from the train station to my hotel, I walked passed a Krispy Kreme. I was surprised for two reasons: 1. That they had a Krispy Kreme in Japan 2. Because there was a line outside the door that curled all the way around on to the bridge on the other side of the building. I mean what is this! The line looked like one for an amusement park ride. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE Krispy Kreme but it just seems a little extreme to stay in line for 2 hours for some glazed donuts. A friend of mine on the other hand thought it was worth it so he woke up early and stood in line a half and hour before it opened and he STILL had to wait for and hour and a half from then to get the donuts. The best part is....the rest of us stayed in bed and were happy to help him eat the little peices of heaven on earth when he got back to the room. : ) Any thoughts on if Krispy Kreme is worth this much work and waiting?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Alivia Spa...

Yesterday was a good day. I spend it with my mom. We got up and ate breakfast together then we decided to go to the spa/pool. She had been there before but this would be my first time. It was a pool but it was also a spa because it had jets of water kind of like a jacuzzi that would massage your lower/upper back and legs. It felt so good. I want to go again. Maybe Ill go today haha. It was an indoor pool but it had the view of the ocean. It was beautiful. I could have spent my whole day there. If you get a chance you should stop by!

Monday, June 25, 2007


So, I up until recently have had a problem with biting my nails. I think it as a nervous habit but after almost 22 years I am FREE! BUT...its not as easy as it seems. I know a lot of those out there that do not bite your nails and have never suffered from this addiction, are thinking...gross! Just stop~! But I would have to equate the addiction of biting nails to addiction to drugs are alchohol. Its hard. You do it when youre bored or nervous or just whenever. For me I had the issue of biting my nails when the were not nice or when they had some kind of imperfection. I wish I would have just bought a nail file but no. So now that I no longer bite my nails it is harder because when your nails get longer they have a tendency to break and chip easier. See my problem? but I am fighting the urge and have succesfully done so for about 6 months now. I have to nails look pretty nice, except for one that decided to chip on me. :( its a never ended process.