Monday, June 25, 2007


So, I up until recently have had a problem with biting my nails. I think it as a nervous habit but after almost 22 years I am FREE! BUT...its not as easy as it seems. I know a lot of those out there that do not bite your nails and have never suffered from this addiction, are thinking...gross! Just stop~! But I would have to equate the addiction of biting nails to addiction to drugs are alchohol. Its hard. You do it when youre bored or nervous or just whenever. For me I had the issue of biting my nails when the were not nice or when they had some kind of imperfection. I wish I would have just bought a nail file but no. So now that I no longer bite my nails it is harder because when your nails get longer they have a tendency to break and chip easier. See my problem? but I am fighting the urge and have succesfully done so for about 6 months now. I have to nails look pretty nice, except for one that decided to chip on me. :( its a never ended process.

1 comment:

EJL said...

Mine always break at a certain point, so I say what the hey. At least I don't pick my nose :)